inspire healthy change

At Pinnacle Health Group our core purpose is to inspire healthy change in every workplace.


We know from our 15 years of industry experience that to succeed in employee wellbeing, workplaces need to be intentional with their wellbeing strategy and embrace rapid change.

The problem though is that most workplaces and HR teams don't know where to start, feel overwhelmed and struggle to keep up with evidence based frameworks.

So we decided to create a wellbeing community of like-minded people with a passion for healthier workplaces and who are seeking the latest industry insights in the field of corporate health, safety and wellbeing.

Are you ready to learn and inspire healthy change with us?

join the community

Australia's leading Health, Safety & Wellbeing insights

Our exclusive Wellbeing community will keep you informed on the latest trends in Workplace Health, Wellbeing and Safety as well as tips on how to build a flourishing workplace culture.

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